
RIVA Value Chain Analyzer is an online tool for policy makers, analysts and researchers to better understand their economy’s integration in global value chains (GVCs). It provides data and indicators based on estimated trade in value added flows between 72 economies in 38 sectors for 2007, 2011 and 2017.

The interactive and automated visualizations provided on RIVA support analyses and policy decision making that require mapping GVC integration and linkages. In addition, it also allows for convenient cross-country comparisons and benchmarking, offering useful background information for policy making and negotiation in an interconnected world.

This user guide is designed to familiarize new users of RIVA Value Chain Analyzer with its available features, provide step-by-step guidance on usage of the platform, as well as support interpreting results obtained. The remainder of this guide will provide in-depth descriptions and guidance for each section of the platform.

It is to be noted that this user guide will consider Thailand as the exporting economy of interest for all examples describing each section on RIVA. The reason for this is to avoid confusing the reader and to elucidate the process of undertaking a detailed economy-focused study to uncover its trade in value-added and GVC linkages. While the examples in this user guide will be limited to Thailand, the approach can be easily applied to guide analyses of any other economy (such as Viet Nam or India) or group of economies (such as RCEP or European Union) as per the users research objective.

It is also to be noted that over time there may emerge differences in the values presented in the visualizations in this guide and those on the website. This is due to regular updates made to the ADB MRIO database, which will be reflected in the visualizations on the website. The RIVA website will continue to be updated with the latest available data, while the data used in this guide will reflect the May 2020 update of the ADB MRIO database. Nevertheless, the approach to using the website and interpretation of results described in this guide will remain valid.